Friday, September 5, 2014

"Just like that... the sun come out": The Other Side of Life's Storms

Just the other day, I saw God can provide hope in the middle of life's down seasons.

I had to make a 3 hour drive across the state as part of regular work travel.  Spending eight hours in the office followed by even more time in the car makes a long day much harder.

After coasting through about 50 miles of sunshine, I ran into a storm unexpectedly.  This was one of those downpours Forrest Gump talked about in Vietnam with "rain that flew in sideways" and "come straight up from underneath", which made it impossible to see any form of daybreak on the horizon.

Not wanting to waste any additional time after leaving late, I gradually drove my way through the pouring rain and suddenly (again, like in Forrest Gump)... it stopped.  What happened next inspired this post.  The clouds disappeared, the sun came out and the biggest rainbow I've ever seen draped the once dreary sky.  Only minutes had passed since I was pushing my car through what felt like a monsoon.  Yet before I knew it, the storm was over.

To put this in a more abstract context:
  1. Easy, sunny drive (college!)
  2. Driving in the middle of a storm (bad outcomes in the search for a career I love)
  3. I can't see any way out (countless applications with no response, interviews followed up with bad news)
  4. I keep driving through the storm (persistence in applying despite no obvious leads on the way)
  5. The storm is suddenly over (hopefully, this happens next. And soon.)

Apply this to whatever you're struggling with today.  Keep driving through the storm.  There's a rainbow on the other side.