Here's a new Amazon story from Adage: the world's biggest retailer allegedly runs its business like Nino Brown, but the heck if we'll shop somewhere else. The facts:
"However, the bad press didn't rock the way shoppers planned to buy, according to the survey. Seventy percent of consumers surveyed said they would consider shopping at Amazon next time they wanted to make a purchase from a retail store..."
I lasted years in a destructive office culture where tattling and favoritism were the fruits of incompetence at the highest level. The "never off the clock" culture found at Amazon is close to what was happening at my old job. It was an often miserable experience that negatively impacted my mental well being and worldview.
The staff of Amazon are suffering greatly. It isn't blood diamond level guilt, but knowing that the sweet deal you got on that new Roku came at the cost of another human's happiness is tough to bear.
Will I demonstrate a stance against toxic work environments by not shopping Amazon? As I type from my heavily discounted MacBook Pro I say, brothers, that I know you'll get to the mountain top but I probably won't make it there with you.
My last job didn't pay me enough to afford retail price.